The NT Infrastructure Plan and Pipeline 2023 provides a detailed roadmap of the investments that will enact the Territory Government’s vision to reduce crime, rebuild the economy and restore lifestyle. The Plan and Pipeline identifies infrastructure that is needed to support both economic and population growth.
In June 2022, Infrastructure NT released the first NT Infrastructure Plan and Pipeline – a transitional document with further improvements made with each ongoing, annual release of the document.
The first edition:
- moved from a sector based approach to a place-based approach
- clarified which projects are proposed and which ones are funded
- introduced an ecosystems approach.
The NT Infrastructure Plan and Pipeline 2023 has been significantly informed by the findings of the Infrastructure NT Audit 2023, which provides a strong evidence base to guide future infrastructure investment decision making.
Implementation pathways
A number of changes have been introduced to the Infrastructure Plan and Pipeline implementation pathways including:
- indicating whether pathways have been achieved, are in progress or are ongoing
- new implementation pathways were included following the review and Plan and Pipeline update and finalisation of the Infrastructure Audit.
These changes bring a new level of accountability and a more robust approach to the Plan and Pipeline series. The NT Infrastructure Plan and Pipeline has:
- adopted the infrastructure investment prioritisation framework proposed in the NT Infrastructure Audit 2023
- considered implementation pathways against ‘reform’, ‘better or different use’, ‘improve existing’, or ‘new’ infrastructure options to inform infrastructure planning and investment decision making.
The NT Infrastructure Plan and Pipeline will be updated annually to align with budget processes and provide implementation pathways to achieve and respond to changing conditions, challenges and opportunities.
- NT Infrastructure Plan and Pipeline 2023
- Interactive Plan and Pipeline 2023
- Instructions and information XLSX (6.2 MB)
- Metadata XLSX (564.2 KB)
- Metadata CSV (261.0 KB)
You can also read the plan and pipeline chapters by region:
- Territory-wide PDF (403.3 KB)
- Darwin, Palmerston and Litchfield PDF (6.8 MB)
- Top End PDF (4.0 MB)
- Big Rivers PDF (4.6 MB)
- Central Australia PDF (3.9 MB)
- Barkly PDF (4.6 MB)
- East Arnhem PDF (3.1 MB)
Interactive data
The NT Infrastructure Plan and Pipeline table data underpins the Interactive Business Intelligence dashboard in a visual, online model.
The underpinning data is provided to enable industry and the community to undertake further analysis. Data may be analysed and reproduced (with attribution).
This data is published on the NT Government Open Data Portal.
The following rules are applied to develop the dashboard:
- Territory-wide projects (with undefined locations) are located on the map as points listed on the NT/WA border of the map (cascading down the page for visibility).
- Territory-wide projects (with defined locations) are located on the map in one of the nominated locations.
- Regional projects (with more than one defined location) are attached to one community within the primary region.
- Estimates are displayed in $m (millions), if known.
- Confidential or TBA (to be announced) estimates are displayed as dots “●”. Dots will show in the source data, but display as blanks in the interactive dashboard. Dots “●” are calculated as $0 within the interactive display totals.
- GPS locations have been manually added to each project. These are for display purposes only, and do not indicate the exact location of a project.
Plan – unfunded proposals
Metadata definitions (in order of the fields):
- Project Ref - identification number provided to enable accurate record tracking during all review processes
- Region - the Territory is divided into six regions, plus Territory-wide
- Project - free text describing the project
- Location - either town, suburb, road or GPS co-ordinates
- Estimated Total $m - estimated value of the proposal, if provided by the contributor (may be dot if confidential)
- Timeframe (Years) - planned commencement window of proposal
- Sub Sector – sub sector providing liveability and/or economic growth
- Enabling Infrastructure - type of infrastructure required to support economic growth and essential sectors
- Challenge / Opportunity - key justification for the project
- Industry Sector - Primary industry providing economic growth.
Pipeline – funded projects and programs
Metadata definitions (in order of the fields):
- Project Ref - identification number provided to enable accurate record tracking during all review processes
- Region - the Territory is divided into six regions, plus Territory-wide
- Project - free text describing the project
- Location - either town, suburb, road or GPS co-ordinates
- Estimated $m - Value of the funded project, if provided by the contributor (may be dot if confidential)
- Year - indicative value of funded project within financial year
- A lesser figure in the 2023-24 and 2024-25 columns than in the Estimated $m Total column indicates either previous year expenditure or expenditure planned in the outer years.
- Sub Sector – sub sector providing liveability and/or economic growth
- Enabling Infrastructure - type of infrastructure required to support economic growth and essential sectors
- Challenge / Opportunity - key justification for the project
- Industry Sector - Primary industry providing economic growth.
Published by the Department of Logistics and Infrastructure
Infrastructure NT
© Northern Territory Government 2023
T: +61 8 8936 5696
Web page:
Address: Infrastructure NT, Department of Logistics and Infrastructure, GPO Box 2520, Darwin NT 0801
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The material contained in this document is made available for your use, but the Northern Territory Government and its employees do not guarantee that the document is without flaw of any kind and therefore disclaims all liability for any error, loss or other consequence that may arise from your use. The document is made available on the understanding that the Northern Territory Government is not providing professional advice, and that users exercise their own skill and care with respect to its use, and seek independent advice as necessary.