Northern Territory Infrastructure Plan 2021 - Annual review
The Northern Territory (NT) Infrastructure Plan has been updated to reflect the NT’s implementation of economic reconstruction plans.
Over the longer term, the Infrastructure Plan sets direction for planning and delivering infrastructure in the NT and responds to the NT’s economic strategy.
The year 2020 was a year like no other, but it also provided the Territory with a once in a life time opportunity to make a step change to maximise the Territory’s economic rebound in the wake of the COVID-19 crisis. This Plan supports this step change.
Infrastructure is a key enabler of economic development, which underpins our capacity to create jobs, increase productivity and stimulate growth.
Infrastructure supports the quality of:
- direct economic stimulus, boosting the economy,
- current and emerging opportunities,
- employment, attracting and retaining business and talent,
- our social well-being,
- the future of our children,
- our cultural and lifestyle experiences, and
- services we use every day.
The Plan is updated annually and details planned projects for the next two years with proposed infrastructure projects identified in the medium and longer term.
Industry, community and other government partners are thanked for their detailed input into the Plan again over the last two years. Government will continue to invite ongoing contributions from Australian and local governments, private sector and community stakeholders to share information that supports proactive future planning for infrastructure to deliver economic outcomes for the Territory.
All statistics referred to in the Plan are based on 2019-20 unless otherwise stated.
- Instructions and information XLSX (7.6 MB)
- NT Infrastructure Plan 2021 - web-friendly PDF (18.3 MB)
- NT Infrastructure Plan 2021 - print-friendly PDF (33.8 MB)
- Interactive plan
- Metadata XLSX (116.9 KB)
- Metadata CSV (190.7 KB)
The Plan details planned projects for the first two years (2021-22 and 2022-23) with proposed infrastructure projects identified in the medium and longer term.
Infrastructure projects identified in the medium and longer term are at various levels of maturity and many are unfunded.
They represent potential projects for future investment either by the varying levels of government or the private sector.
The Territory’s Economic Reconstruction Progress Report details the status of actions and initiatives that are either planned, underway or completed contributing to the target of a $40 billion economy by 2030.
The review will commence again in 2022 to further align with the Territory’s Economic Reconstruction. All input and feedback received will be considered.
In order to provide the most current and relevant information about issues affecting Industry, you are encouraged to provide input and feedback by contacting the NT Infrastructure Plan team on email or telephone 8999 4743.
Interactive data
The Plan Sector table data underpins the Interactive Business Intelligence dashboard in a visual, online, model. The underpinning information is provided to enable industry and public to enable further analysis. Data may be analysed and reproduced (with attribution).
The Plan data is published on the NT Government Open Data Portal.
The following rules have been utilised to develop the dashboard:
- Territory wide projects (with undefined locations) are located on the map as points listed on the NT/WA boarder of the map (cascading down the page for visibility).
- Territory wide projects (with defined locations) are located on the map in one of the nominated locations.
- Regional projects (with more than one defined location) are attached to one community within the primary region.
- Estimates are displayed as whole values in $million, if known. Standardised rounding has been used.
- Unknown/confidential estimates are displayed as “dots”. Dots will show in the source data, but displays as blanks in the interactive dashboard.
- Funding contributions are indicative only and remain subject to final approvals.
- Values with a + within in the printed Plan (for example 100+), will only display the standard number (for example 100) in the interactive model.
- A lesser figure in the 2021-22 and 2022-23 columns than in the Total Estimated Cost column indicates either previous year expenditure or expenditure in outer years, in some instances beyond the 10 year term.
- Projects may appear in two sectors; both projects are highlighted with a circumflex (^).
- GPS locations have been manually added to each project. These are for display purposes only, and do not indicate the exact location of a project.
- Metadata definitions (in order of the fields):
- Project Ref - identification number provided to enable accurate record tracking during all review processes
- Region - The Territory is divided into eight regions
- Project - free text describing the project
- Location - either town, suburb, road or GPS co-ordinates
- Total Estimated Cost ($) - Value of the project, if provided by the contributor to the plan
- Year - indicative financial year of planned or proposed project
- Sequencing - Medium - 3 to 5 years
- Sequencing - Longer – 6+ years
- Prospective Contributions - indicates the potential funding source for projects; Australian, NT, Local Government or private sector
- Sector - Primary economic growth and essential sector
- Lever - Six development levers critical to economic and social development, investment and jobs growth
- Driver - key justification for the project
- Secondary Sector - This field is used when infrastructure delivery, opportunities and investment needs impact more than one sector.
Published by the Department of Infrastructure, Planning and Logistics
© Northern Territory Government 2021
T: +61 8 8999 4743
Web page:
Address: PO Box 61, Palmerston NT 0831
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The material contained in this document is made available for your use, but the Northern Territory Government and its employees do not guarantee that the document is without flaw of any kind and therefore disclaims all liability for any error, loss or other consequence that may arise from your use. The document is made available on the understanding that the Northern Territory Government is not providing professional advice, and that users exercise their own skill and care with respect to its use, and seek independent advice as necessary.